Our Partners
ABC Head Start Society relies on strong partnerships and collaborations in order to meet the diverse needs of Head Start families and communities.
ABC Head Start Society values community, business and government collaboration. We have a range of collaborations, networks, memberships and partnerships. The following highlights are a sample of some of our work:
The Edmonton Head Start Project involves a partnership between E4C, Oliver Centre and ABC that includes joint planning, resources, training, research and shared expertise in the areas of early learning, poverty amelioration and family support.
North West HUB Community Coalition – ABC along with six community leagues, Area One, Al Rashid Mosque and Northwest Edmonton Seniors Society have been working with the City of Edmonton to promote intercultural and intergenerational services and programming.
Jerry Forbes Executive Director consortium – Collective of 25 charities located at Jerry Forbes Centre for Community Spirit. This group is devoted to collaborative planning and mutual support in the areas of staff wellness, human resources, volunteer support and professional development.
Heartland Community Commons - A collaboration with multi-sector partners in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, to coordinate services for the community. Our partners for this project include Fort Saskatchewan Families First, BGC of Fort Saskatchewan, Fort Saskatchewan FCSS, Bridge Church and Inter Pipeline. Planning for this project has been funded by the Civil Society Fund through the Government of Alberta.
Winnifred Stewart Association
Centre for Family Literacy (LIFT program)
Alberta Health Services (Head Start Health Team)
Picollini Speech Therapy
SPEECHified- Powerful Parent Coaching
Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society (Practise as Ceremony)
Edmonton's Food Bank
Catholic Social Services (LACE program)
StimuLER Dual Language Program & Multilingual Families Lab (University of Alberta Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders)
Community University Partnerships (University of Alberta - CUP)
Alberta Non- profit Network
Edmonton Food Bank
ECVO – Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organization
AISCA – Association of Independent Schools & Colleges in Alberta